Hotel Photographer Ryan Wicks

Luxury Hotel Photographer, Ryan Wicks.

Hotel Photographer

As a hospitality photographer, I work with luxury hotels and resorts to make marketing imagery that stands out. Whether a country house hotel, contemporary city apartments, or an exotic resort, I photograph all with the same level of enthusiasm and pursuit of quality.

With graphic composition, directional lighting, and carefully considered styling, my aim is always to make images that stop someone in their tracks, pull them into the scene, and show them something that takes time to explore.

With my background in interior design photography, I have developed skills in styling spaces to ensure that your hotel rooms and facilities are showcased at their full potential. In other words: I’m pretty handy at bed making and cushion plumping!

Experienced working internationally and capable of handling the logistics of complex, multi-day hotel photoshoots, I can rally a team of assistants, producers, stylists, retouchers, video camera operators, and drone pilots, when required.

Hospitality photographer clients include Celebrity Cruises, Skywalker Retreats, The Celtic Collection, and Barons Eden.

London, UK & Abroad

I live in Gloucestershire but work primarily in London and willingly travel to where ever the project is, in the UK or abroad.


If you are considering using my photography services for your hotel photography, please make contact by emailing me or completing the form.

I’m always happy to schedule phone calls but prefer not to publish my number here, please email me first and we can arrange a suitable time to have a chat.


Luxury Hotel Photographer - Ryan Wicks